What product line do you use in your facial services?
The only line we are currently using is G.M Collin.
Can I wear makeup to my appointment?
Yes! A deep cleansing is always provided to remove all dirt, oil and debris from the skin.
Should I expect to have a breakout after my facial?
For many, post facial breakouts after extractions are involved is normal. In fact, purging of the skin can prove how effective the treatment really is. When extractions are performed, it causes the skin to get rid of the toxins and impurities “hanging out” just below the surface. Those are known to appear a day or two after the facial treatment in a form of pimples and white heads.
Should I have a facial before an important event?
For those who are new to facials or would like to try new treatments, it’s important to at least leave a six week period before the event to see how the skin will react. If no type of reaction occurs, the treatment can be repeated one week before the big event.
Should I avoid makeup after my facial?
After most of our facials, especially when extractions are done the pores are left wide open and might be a little sensitive to any heavy makeup applications. It is important to give your skin the proper time to recover. We recommend at least 24 hours and 72 hours for our Microneelding and Chemical Peel clients.
Should I get a facial if I have sensitive skin?
Many factors are involved when it comes to sensitivity, it’s always important to talk to your estheticians about your skin concerns, especially big sensitivities, before booking an appointment. A consultation is always recommended to ensure that the treatment doesn’t irritate your skin. Facials can definitely help determine through diagnosis what you can also do at home to offer your skin relief.
Should I have a facial service if I am pregnant?
Yes, as long as you stick to a basic facial. This will help with the dryness, breakouts and puffiness that you might be experiencing due to hormonal changes that might be occurring during pregnancy.
Will my skin look red afterwards?
After your facial, especially when extractions are done, post-redness is normal. This should go down within 24 hours, excluding Microneelding and Chemical Peel clients.